Communication burn-out? And yet—keep at it you must! So best do that the smart way... Take the Vitamina C!
Vitamina C is a press office 2.0: it gets your product/brand/event to the media, opinion leaders and influencers, both offline and online, on a European basis. We specialise in sport (particularly outdoor, winter sports, running and cycling) and design objects.
Writing is our profession. We have made the word a verb. Think about a company magazine? A webzine, a newsletter, a blog or an online storytelling project? We have plenty of ideas...
There are currently no MEDIA EVENTS underway, but... STAY TUNED!
Click on the event logo to download the press-kits of the brands that Vitamina C has represented as PR partners:
Click on the brand of interest to access the relative media room and discover all the press releases and updated news.